

總共20天的旅程有苦有甘,尤其一開始在紐約的幾天更是天天走到鐵腿,悶熱難耐的天氣地鐵,擁擠嘈雜的街道人群....不過後來看照片似乎也是這段時間最為充實豐富,五光十色的Big apple仍值得好好探索!之後到Boston,Niagara falls則轉為較悠哉清閒,徜徉在大自然和人文風情的行程,最終站溫哥華,住在阿姨漂亮溫馨的家,寧靜的社區, 旁有大片森林,之前連續去了好幾年幾乎將鄰近著名景點走遍了,所以就到附近的森林,國家風景區,malls,走走晃晃享受胡光山色,或者就在社區裡散步騎車,去超市逛逛...

此行還見了很多人,一路從紐約和林育如聚餐,找妹妹在波士頓念書的朋友,到多倫多郊區Hamilton找玉美,然後表妹帶著我們在多倫多市區遊覽,最後到溫哥華找阿姨,與湘蘊見面. 都是闊別已久的親人朋友們,能在異地相聚真的很開心. 

8/7 TPE--> NY (JFK)

8/8 NY: Upper town and Central park  Part 1      Part 2

Columbus circle Dakota apartment  à Gray’s papaya à American Museum of Natural history à Zabar’s market à中央公園野餐àMetropolitan museum of art à 91st street convent of Sacred Heart à 5th Avenue à Time warner center 

8/9 NY: Lower Manhattan

Statue of liberty (Liberty island and Ellis island) à South seaport street à Wall street à Trinity church àGround Zero à Cow sculpture à The lion king @ Minskoff theater

8/10 NY: Jersey Garden outlet and Brooklyn

Jersey Gardenà Chelsea market à NY high line à Brooklyn height ( Gramaldi’s pizza and factory ice cream) 看夜景!!

8/11 NY: Union square, MOMA

NYU, Washington square (piano performance) à lunch @ Carmine’s lunch à MOMA à dinner @ Shack shake (Medison square, SE corner) à Medison square garden

8/12 NY: Downtown

UN à brunch @ Ess-a –bagel à Central Park Zoo à NY public library à Grand central à SOHO Little Italy àChina town àTop of the Rock

8/13 NY à Boston

AMTRAK to Boston à Newbury st. & Commonwealth Ave. à Prudential center à dinner @ Legal sea food 

8/14 Boston: Freedom trail

freedom trail à lunch @ Quency market à dinner @ Cheesecake factory 

8/15 Boston: Harvard+ MIT

Havard + MIT à Charles river à dinner @ Trattoria iL panino, Mik's pastry

8/16 Boston àToronto

Hamilton 拜訪老師 àNiagara falls à Niagara on the lake  

8/17 Toronto: Niagara falls

Maid of the mist, journey behind the fall à Canada one outlet à Niagara on the lake à Falls view room dinner and fire works! (Sheraton on the falls)

8/18 Toronto: downton

Toronto downtown à Casa Loma à CN tower

8/19 Toronto: Centre Island

Cora’s brunch à Centre Island à Eaton center

Toronto à Vancouver

8/20 Vancouver: White Rock

8/21 Vancouver: Stanley park, Lighthouse park

8/22 Vancouver: Queen Elizabeth park, Oakridge mall 

8/23 Vancouver: Lynn Canyon, Lonsdale Quay Market 

8/24 Vancouver àTPE 

8/25 TPE

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